Transduction Assessment
From Inside Cancer Wiki
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Lesson Overview
This lesson is an assessment of students understanding of transduction pathways
Goals and Objectives In their study of transduction pathways in cells, students will investigate treatments of cancer and prepare a short explanation of how the treatment effects with transduction
Assumptions of Prior Knowledge Students should have working knowledge of proteins and protein synthesis.
Common Misconceptions Students may have simplified explanations of how transduction pathways work based on oversimplified animations that show a single molecular messages simply turning on/off cell processes.
The Lesson
Preparation Before class: (materials, handouts etc.)
Describe any pre-class preparation necessary for the lesson.
During class
1.Collect information about students preconceptions of cell signaling a. Commit and toss strategy b. Debrief students and get their ideas up on white boards
2.Students use [1] site and navigate through Diagnosis and Treatment portion. During this portion, it may be useful to give a mini-lecture on microarray assays or use the following site to enhance the inside cancer site: [2]. a. During this portion students will work in groups b. Strategy to use: "Multimedia and Say Something" for Pathology c.
Time required
Estimate the amount of time for each part of the lesson.
Student Handouts for the Lesson Plan
Describe any handouts and provide links to documents that include the handouts. Remember to upload the handouts to the wiki before linking to them.
Alternative Assessments
Describe any alternative activities or assessments you may have developed.
Suggestions for Extended Learning
Suggest any extensions to the lesson.
Define any terms that may need elaboration.
Education Standards
Please align your lesson plan with any education standards that apply.
Teacher Answer Key
Include a teacher answer key when applicable.