Current Science Issues: Is Gardasil a Safe Vaccine for Young Women to prevent HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)?

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Current Science Issues: Is Gardasil a Safe Vaccine for Young Women to prevent HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)?

Lesson Overview

This lesson teaches students to use current media (newspapers, magazines, and the internet) to research a controversial topic in health science today.


Goals and Objectives

To increase science literacy among teenagers. To enable learning about the pros and cons of public health issues.

Common Misconceptions

All health decisions made at a public level cannot be challenged.

________________________________________ The Lesson

Preparation Before class: 1 computer per student, handouts, teacher computer,LCD projector,sound system

Pre-class preparation: Xerox handouts

During class

You will use the Internet to objectively research a current science issue. After gathering and reflecting on five Pro arguments and five Con arguments, you will write a short position paper that clearly states your point of view and in which your reasoning is supported by fact rather than emotion.

Position paper

Use the information on the other side of this page to write your four paragraphs paper. Each paragraph will have the following components:

Paragraph #1 (Introduction)

1Describe the theory or controversy that exists by defining science terms. 2Clearly identify the position of the paper in the third person.

Paragraph #2 (Body)

1.Describe at least two arguments to support the position of the paper. The arguments need to be: 2Clearly explained in detail; 3Based on scientific evidence that has been verified with valid experiments (emotional reasons are unacceptable); 4Acknowledged with the source(s) of information used to build your argument.

Paragraph #3

Refute the main argument for the opposing viewpoint.

Paragraph #4 (Conclusion)

Summarize the main points and suggest future action. Your future action should describe one of the following:

1Additional research that is needed to strengthen your position; 2Additional research that is needed to expose weaknesses of the opposing position; 3Application of this theory to a similar topic; 4Governmental laws that are needed immediately to support your position.

>>>>> Adapted and reprinted with permission from Lynn Ocorr.

Student Handouts for the Lesson Plan Describe any handouts and provide links to documents that include the handouts. Remember to upload the handouts to the wiki before linking to them. Alternative Assessments Describe any alternative activities or assessments you may have developed. Suggestions for Extended Learning Suggest any extensions to the lesson.

Glossary Define any terms that may need elaboration.

Education Standards Please align your lesson plan with any education standards that apply. Teacher Answer Key Include a teacher answer key when applicable.

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