The Worst 'Mutant'
From Inside Cancer Wiki
The Worst Mutant
Lesson Overview
This lesson plan is in progress! The intent of the lesson is to make an analogy using the Hallmarks of Cancer and a mutant (think X-men).
Goals and Objectives
To engage students in the lesson using a familiar concept (Mutants) To help students become familiar with the major components that lead to cells becoming cancerous.
Common Misconceptions
Cancer only affects the old and weak and those who smoke at least one pack of cigarettes a day for a 'long' time.
The Lesson
Preparation Before class: (materials, handouts etc.)
Describe any pre-class preparation necessary for the lesson.
During class
Describe the activity. Time required
Estimate the amount of time for each part of the lesson.
Student Handouts for the Lesson Plan
Describe any handouts and provide links to documents that include the handouts. Remember to upload the handouts to the wiki before linking to them.
Alternative Assessments
Describe any alternative activities or assessments you may have developed.
Suggestions for Extended Learning
Suggest any extensions to the lesson.
Define any terms that may need elaboration.
Education Standards
Please align your lesson plan with any education standards that apply.
Teacher Answer Key
Include a teacher answer key when applicable.