Diagnosing Cancer Through Microarrays

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Revision as of 20:51, 20 September 2008 by Whaasos (Talk | contribs)
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Lesson Overview

This lesson introduces DNA microarray technology and the application of this technology to diagnosing specific gene activity in different cancers.

Goals and Objectives

Students will describe the procedure for making a microarray. Students will understand how to apply the microarray procedure in order to more accurately diagnose individual cancers.

Common Misconceptions

Students may think that there is only one form of each type of cancer. This lesson will show that cancers that affect the same tissues may be under different genetic controls.

The Lesson

Copy student handouts for microarray simulation activity. Lesson can be found at [ ]

During class Access [1]

1. Introduce the microarray procedure using the slide show. End with the animation of the process. 2. Have students complete the microarray simulation activity. 3. View the pharmacology slide that discusses the application of microarray technology in diagnosing breast cancer.

Time required

2 class periods

Student Handouts for the Lesson Plan

Describe any handouts and provide links to documents that include the handouts. Remember to upload the handouts to the wiki before linking to them.

Alternative Assessments

Describe any alternative activities or assessments you may have developed.

Suggestions for Extended Learning

After discussing the microarray procedure, students will research the application of this technology by using the Inside Cancer website.


Define any terms that may need elaboration.

Education Standards

Please align your lesson plan with any education standards that apply.

Teacher Answer Key

Include a teacher answer key when applicable.

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