Genes and cancer

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Students will learn about genetics through exploration of the genetics.

Goals and Objectives

Briefly outline the goas

Describe any common misconceptions this lesson may address 1. Cancer has no genetic component 2. Cancer is contagious.

The Lesson 1. Opening activity

  a.  Start the lesson with a survey of what they think cancer is on the cellular level.
  b. Start lesson with the map of distribution of cancer.  Question is why?
  c. Start lesson the chart that shows what portion of    

2. Students will explore the web site with the goal of learning about genetics and cancer. The appropriate sections are Hallmarks of Cancer and Pathways to Cancer.

2. To demonstrate knowledge

  a. student groups will select a cancer 

4. Assessment2. Describe the activity. Time required

Estimate the amount of time for each part of the lesson.

Student Handouts for the Lesson Plan

Describe any handouts and provide links to documents that include the handouts. Remember to upload the handouts to the wiki before linking to them.

Alternative Assessments As an assessment, Students investigate the background of one of the scientists involved in the research presented as part of the Inside Cancer web site.


Define any terms that may need elaboration.

Education Standards

Please align your lesson plan with any education standards that apply.

Teacher Answer Key

Include a teacher answer key when applicable.

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